Friday, September 13, 2024

Life Lately

It's been three months since my last update, which means I missed my goal of posting monthly. Now that we're in the BER months, a lot has changed. Our adopted feline family has fully adjusted to indoor life, and they seem to be thriving. Luna, the mama cat, was spayed last month, and the kittens are growing up fast. Skye, our Siamese, lost his baby teeth, which was a relief because he had "retained deciduous teeth"—a condition that could have caused problems if the baby teeth didn't fall out. Finn, the other kitten, has gained a lot of weight and is loving all the new toys, especially the cat tree I got them recently.

As for our two older cats, Atari and Katsu, they’re getting along well with the kittens but not so much with Luna, who’s developed a bit of territorial aggression. I’m hoping Luna will eventually learn to co-exist with everyone.

On a different note, I’ve started my Christmas shopping early, focusing on ornaments and gifts to avoid the last-minute rush. We’re planning to set up the Christmas tree next month, and I’m excited about our holiday color theme this year: purple, gold, and coffee brown. It’s keeping me busy, but in a good way!

That’s it for now. More updates to come soon!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Busy May: Welcoming Furry Friends and Celebrating Milestones

May has been an incredibly busy month filled with new furry additions, unexpected vet visits, and joyful celebrations. Our home has become a haven for a stray cat family, and we’ve experienced the highs and lows of pet parenting. Here's a look at the eventful month we've had.

Welcoming a Stray Cat Family

One of the most heartwarming highlights of May was the adoption of a stray cat family. My older sister and niece came across a mother cat and her two kittens in desperate need of a home. Sadly, animal rescue shelters were overwhelmed and unable to take them in. Determined to find them a safe place, my sister and niece fostered the little family for a month. Their journey didn’t end there; they traveled 12 hours to bring them to our home, which will now be their forever home.

Meet our new "pawmily" members 

Adopting stray cats is a cause close to my heart. It's vital to provide these animals with loving homes rather than purchasing pets from breeders. Every stray cat deserves a chance at a better life, and adopting them helps reduce the overwhelming number of homeless animals.

Katsu’s Unplanned Vet Visit

Our 2-year-old cat, Katsu, gave us quite a scare this month. She developed a high fever and had to make an unplanned visit to the vet. After a thorough check-up, Katsu was put on medication for a week. Thankfully, she’s now on the mend, but it was a stressful time for all of us. Regular vet check-ups and prompt medical attention are crucial for our pets' health, even when unexpected issues arise.

Celebrating Cooper’s 2nd Birthday

Amidst all the hustle and bustle, we celebrated a special milestone—our dog Cooper turned 2 years old! We wanted to make his day extra special, so we gave him a cake, a cake that I baked using dog-friendly ingredients. Cooper also had his fur groomed just days before his birthday. Unfortunately, this led to razor burns, but we quickly treated them with cold compresses and wound spray. Despite the minor setback, Cooper enjoyed his birthday celebrations with lots of love and attention.

Cooper turned 2 years old

The Importance of Adopting Stray Animals

This month has reinforced the importance of adopting stray animals. There are countless cats and dogs in need of loving homes, and by adopting them, we not only save their lives but also make room in shelters for others in need. Stray animals often have a lot of love to give and can become loyal, grateful companions.

Our new cat family has already brought so much joy into our lives. Watching them settle into their new environment and seeing them thrive is a rewarding experience. It’s a reminder of the difference we can make one adoption at a time.


May has been a whirlwind of activities and emotions, from welcoming new feline family members to celebrating Cooper’s birthday and ensuring Katsu’s health. Through it all, we've been reminded of the joys and responsibilities of pet ownership and the importance of adopting stray animals. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Back at It: A Long Overdue Update

It's been three months since I last sat down to write, and I've missed this more than I can express. Life has a way of throwing unexpected curveballs, and for me, it came in the form of taking care of a senior cat who needed extensive vet care and a temporary return to the graveyard shift for work.

My senior cat, a beloved member of our family, needed extra care and attention due to health issues. This required frequent vet visits, medications, and round-the-clock monitoring. It was a challenging time, but I wouldn't have traded those moments with my furry friend for anything in the world.

In addition to caring for my cat, I also found myself back on the graveyard shift for a short-term job. The change in schedule was abrupt, and adjusting to the nocturnal lifestyle once again was tough. But I knew it was a temporary situation, and I had to give it my all.

Despite these challenges, I'm grateful for the experiences and lessons learned during this time. It's taught me the importance of resilience, patience, and the value of cherishing every moment, whether it's with a loved one or in the pursuit of personal and professional growth.

As I return to writing, I carry with me a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the simple joys in life. I'm excited to share more stories, insights, and adventures with you all in the days to come. Thank you for your patience and understanding during my absence. Here's to new beginnings and the journey ahead.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Year-End Blog

As 2023 gracefully approaches its finale, I find myself marveling at the swift passage of time. In the blink of an eye, Christmas festivities unfolded, and now we stand on the threshold of bidding adieu to this remarkable year. Embracing my introverted nature, I relished the quiet joy of a private Christmas celebration among a select few.

The meticulous efforts invested in cooking and decorating, though exhausting, yielded a sense of fulfillment that made every moment worthwhile. Reflecting on the journey of the past year, I am engulfed in gratitude for the myriad blessings that have graced my life. It has been a year of personal triumphs and growth, leaving me with a profound sense of accomplishment.

Looking ahead, my aspirations for the coming year include a renewed focus on health and other areas deserving attention. Despite the challenges, the tapestry of 2023 has been woven with threads of greatness, and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else. As we collectively bid farewell to this chapter, I extend warm holiday wishes to all. Let's savor the remaining days, making each one count in the tapestry of our lives. Cheers to the memories of 2023 and the anticipation of a bright and promising future in the year to come!

Thursday, November 09, 2023

A Month Before Christmas

Counting down the days to Christmas, I'm bursting with excitement! Despite the lack of fall in the Philippines, I still decked out early in September, minus the Halloween decor—no four seasons, no spooky justification, haha! The holiday spirit kicks off with the BER months.

Juggling a bustling Etsy shop and diving into new passions has kept me on my toes. Starting a business solo is no walk in the park, but the thrill is real. Here's hoping my efforts turn into something amazing.

Gift shopping for the fambam is underway, and I'm all about that early-bird strategy, even if it's all online. No last-minute chaos, just smooth sailing towards a stress-free celebration. The holidays are sacred family moments, and I'm determined to make each one special—after all, it's a once-a-year deal.

Reflecting on 2023, it's been a year of blessings, and gratitude fills my heart. Every year is a celebration because each one is unique. What about you? What's lighting up your holiday season?

Friday, August 04, 2023

August is Here

The onset of the rainy season brought challenges as Super Typhoon Egay wreaked havoc in northern Luzon. Our village experienced power and water shortages for days, compounded by a week-long internet outage. The aftermath resembled a movie scene with closed roads, fallen trees, and landslides. Fortunately, my siblings and I had stocked up on essentials, though we initially underestimated the typhoon's impact. Living in a non-flood-prone area spared us, but my heart goes out to those severely affected, especially those who lost loved ones during Typhoon Egay. Grateful for our safety amidst the challenges.

Ctto Esquire Philippines

Ctto ABS-CBN News

Residing in Baguio, the coldest part of the country, presents both blessings and challenges in my perspective. The constant cold is a joy, with hotels forgoing AC as you invite the refreshing breeze through open windows. After 11 years, I'm still captivated by the descending fog, transforming the surroundings into an entirely different world. The serene chill effortlessly eases worries, and despite occasional summer heat, it's a haven compared to Metro Manila. Plus, the abundance of affordable veggies led me to embrace a vegan lifestyle – veggies are life for me.

Yet, the curse reveals itself in the rainy season. Relentless downpours lasting weeks or months can lead to a clothing dilemma, and battling mold becomes a constant struggle, particularly with beloved wooden items. Rainy day blues affect some, but for me, it's an excuse to indulge and, thanks to my hyperthyroidism, weight fluctuations are inevitable – a genetic quirk. Living in a cold place like Forks from Twilight evokes a bittersweet emotion, akin to a happy kind of sadness. Finding bliss is essential, acknowledging that happiness is a state of mind, not solely dependent on location.

Monday, June 05, 2023

Chapter 6 of 12

I'm back, hey! I've been M.I.A. (missing in action) once more for four months since I've been so busy with life in general, home renovations, and DIY projects. I am really thankful for the year so far since it has been so full of benefits. In April, I had my birthday. We had birthday pawties and other celebrations for our newly adopted dog and cat when they turned one this year. As responsible pet owners, we also brought them to the veterinarian to have them fixed so they may enjoy a long and healthy life. It's been a challenging but rewarding few months, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

2023 is halfway passed. Although it seems impossible, time truly does pass in the blink of an eye. I prefer to keep myself active all the time, so the fact that I still have a ton of stuff to do makes me happy. I'm also considering starting new businesses, which I hope will succeed. My doctor informed me that I had subclinical hyperthyroidism, which means I will likely have to deal with it for an undetermined amount of time. However, I am grateful that I am still alive, and at this point, that is all that matters. 

The year has been fantastic, and I have high hopes that it will continue to be so. I anticipate learning more.

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Happy New Year

I can't believe we survived 2022.  Last year was quite difficult for me after I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, but I made it through and I am grateful for all that transpired. 

I had a simple New Year's eve celebration with my family. Sissy and I set the dinner table and decorated our Media Noche buffet bar as usual which was pretty exhausting, but satisfying at the same time. We had dinner and stayed awake until 12 midnight to watch the fireworks and opened our New Year's Day presents. My siblings and I decided to extend our gift giving every year until New Year's Day so we have something to look forward to, lol. I enjoyed watching the fireworks with my cats although there's not a lot of fireworks this year, at least I get to watch it for free. I made a video on how my Christmas and New Year's eve went sand you may check it out on the video below. 

A new year has begun, and every new year brings with New  Year's Resolutions. I should clarify that this year, my priorities are to preserve excellent health and to improve my financial situation. A new year's resolve is a fantastic idea, and I have a lot of plans for this year, including investing in a project I hope will eventually flourish. Nothing good comes easily, but nothing is impossible if you have the will to succeed. I am looking to buy a bunch of stuff, but I also want to be able to control my spending. Additionally, I'm considering renewing my passport this year in order to, hopefully, resume traveling. Although it's not a priority, I still yearn to travel abroad. I'm hoping that, as my sister and I used to do on our birthdays, I'll get to travel to new places once more.

Happy new year! I wish you all good luck and health in the coming year. Welcome 2023, bring it on!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

2022 Yearender

There are just a few days left in 2022, so before I bid this year farewell, I want to thank 2022 for the blessings, difficulties, and memories this year has given me. It is a bitter-sweet year for me compared to the years that have gone by because I learnt and tried new things that I had previously believed I would never be able do.

I tried my hand at working from home earlier this year and discovered that nothing is impossible if you have the proper abilities and job experience. Without the stress of commuting, I was able to earn more money while also expanding my knowledge. Since there would be less interaction with people, I had assumed working from home would be simpler and more enjoyable. However, nothing is ever easy as long as you are rewarded for your efforts. Similar to working at BPO, I had to put up with issues with some of the people I worked with. I persisted in working hard and maintaining my focus, though. Because working graveyard shift still pays significantly higher, most people still favor this schedule despite all the health risks that it entailed. Because I believed I was "healthy enough," I was actually fine working night shifts until I started experiencing muscle cramps, which grew worse in just one month. To cut a long tale short, I had a hyperthyroidism diagnosis and spent months on medicine. Even after taking a new brand, I experienced allergic reactions, requiring me to run to the emergency room. Thankfully, I am feeling better now and have stopped taking my medications, but I am aware that I am still not completely cured because it could return at any time. Since it is usually advised to see a doctor if symptoms continue, I will do that.

I must admit that this year has been quite the rollercoaster. As soon as I started to feel very down because I had to stop working due to my illness, one of our houses sold, which was a big blessing for our family. We have sentimental value for this property, but it is also pretty difficult, therefore I would prefer not to discuss it because it is so private. God is good and he listens, and his timing is always right, so don't be upset when he doesn't grant your request immediately. So to speak, it was still a good year.

Even though Christmas is done, this year hasn't ended yet, and I'm still excited for New Year's Eve. Speaking of Christmas, I spent it with my siblings as usual, which is every introvert's fantasy, hehe. It was somewhat taxing but also enjoyable to be in charge of preparing supper, setting the table, and decorating the buffet bar. After dinner, we unwrapped our presents at midnight. I had a straightforward but special Christmas this year. We did not have a difficult time locating decorations, therefore we made a wonderful choice with our theme, "Winter Woodland Christmas." A few weeks before Christmas, we also purchased a new tree, which required us to decorate it once more. Its taller and skinnier, which made me and my siblings extremely happy. In addition, I like how our table setting came out. Our dinner table seemed so festive and Instagram-worthy to me that I felt compelled to take numerous pictures before it was gone, hehe. Despite spending a lot of money on decorations, I was content overall. They say you can't purchase happiness, but since I'm happy right now, it doesn't really matter, lol.

This year, I am also thankful for a new puppy and kitten. Even though they occasionally cause us pain, it is nothing compared to the delight they bring. Because there are so many animals in need of homes, we prefer to adopt animals rather than buy them. Our newcomers are a gift from God because they were delivered to our door and came from our neighbors, saving us the trouble of searching elsewhere.



You all should always keep in mind that with every ending come new beginnings. The year 2022 is almost finished. Since each year is unique and cannot be replaced once it has passed, let's make the most of every moment we have left in 2022. Cheers to creating new memories and taking on new challenges as we look forward to a successful new year.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Holiday Cheers

My most recent visit to the endocrinologist was a week ago, and things are going well so far. I wasn't surprised by the results of my blood test because I've been feeling great lately. I started taking thyroid medicine again, choosing the generic variety over the non-generic because I am not sensitive to it. I am thrilled that my symptoms of hyperthyroidism have so far disappeared. My doctor advised me to keep taking my medications and gave me a request for a blood test in case my symptoms returned. I can't believe how quickly my body responded to the meds, which led me to believe that if I had gone to the doctor sooner, I wouldn't have had to deal with all the muscle issues and all the additional anguish it brought. I really didn't like taking meds because of the side effects and everything, but due to my disease, I had no alternative.

It is understandable that many patients, regardless of how urgent their condition, could not afford treatment because healthcare is generally quite expensive. I hope that in the future, fear need not be felt over healthcare. I suppose I'm just fortunate that I received prompt treatment, for which I am thankful. I still think that the health of everyone should come first. One key insight I had was that, no matter how hard you work, if you don't take care of your health, your profits would ultimately be wasted. As they say, prevention is still preferable to cure. Visit a doctor as soon as possible if you sense that something is wrong.

I've finished all of my Christmas shopping, and the holidays are just around the corner. I shopped from the comfort of my house for gifts, decorations, etc. The traffic, the crowds, and not to mention the fact that COVID is still around make me despise waiting in lines at the mall, so I wouldn't. The best option for shopping is still online because it is less demanding.

2022 is quickly coming to an end, therefore I'd like to enjoy every day I have left of it.

Friday, November 04, 2022

Life Lately

I cannot believe how fast 2022 is moving and it's heading toward the most festive time of the year. The holidays are just around the corner and so far I've started shopping for Christmas decorations for our tree but haven't started shopping for Christmas presents yet. I have a lot going on lately, more specifically with my health. 

I am taking the time to focus on the illness that I was recently diagnosed with called hyperthyroidism. To make the long story short, no matter how I try to keep a healthy lifestyle, it's just simply inevitable, because it's hereditary. As per Google, Hyperthyroidism happens when your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. I've been having symptoms early on this year but thought they were just simple muscle stiffness on my legs from sitting way too long since I was still working from home at that time. Apart from muscle weakness, I also noticed that I've been losing weight pretty fast even if my appetite is still the same. I didn't think it was something serious until the muscle cramps worsened. An incident in the bathroom caused an alarm when I fell on my knees, I couldn't get up because of muscle stiffness I had to make my way out by crawling on the floor. It finally gave me a reason to go see a doctor. I was prescribed multivitamins and B12 for a month and was given a request to have my X-ray and bloodwork done. When I went back to the doctor with all the test results, I kind of have a gut feeling that I might be suffering from hyperthyroidism already because I have a twin sister who's had it before but now she has hypothyroidism, the opposite of what I have after some radioactive treatment was done to the thyroid gland that requires her to be on medication for life. I'm just waiting for confirmation until the doctor said that I was indeed, a hyperthyroid. I was like, I have it too. I was quite disappointed but what can you do with an illness that is just waiting to happen? As expected, the game plan is to take hyperthyroid medication. 

I've only been taking my hyperthyroid medicine for two weeks, until just recently, on my third week, I started having allergic reactions. I developed hives that come and go at first. They were super itchy, and I couldn't help myself but scratch until it's becoming way too unbearable I had to rush myself to the emergency room of the hospital where my doctor instructed me in case this happened. According to my doctor that an allergic reaction to the type of medicine that was prescribed to me is rare, but for someone like me who has a history of allergy to certain medications, that rarity could happen and unfortunately, it did. Allergic reactions to a certain type of medicine can be life-threatening which is why I am making sure to take note of medicines that I am allergic to. At the moment, I am on my way to recovery from my allergies and haven't been prescribed any medicine yet for my hyperthyroidism until I have my bloodtest done again. 

I may be sick but this will not dampen my holiday spirit because life goes on y'all. I hope I get a medicine that will work for me that will not cause any more allergies. It's only a few more days left until Christmas and I'm quite excited about the coming days, are you?

Life Lately

It's been three months since my last update, which means I missed my goal of posting monthly. Now that we're in the BER months, a lo...